The native cow wold raise the buffalo calf, but they did not like it.  We could not domesticate the wildcat or turkey; as soon as they got loose, they went away.
     One night while out trapping, I camped alone.  About midnight I heard the step of some wild animal circling around me.  I got my trusty needle-gun ready and waited for him until daylight.  A light snow had fallen and I saw the tracks of a large mountain lion.  I do not know why he did not tackle me; perhaps he was not hungry.  I hastily breakfasted on coffee and warmed-over beaver meat that I had cooked the evening before, then started on the trail of my lordly visitor.
     I knew he was a bad customer; the fresher the trail, the more shaky and cautious I became.  On creeping up a high bluff overlooking the stream, I saw him breakfasting on a beaver he had caught as I had done.  I got a broadside view and fired.  He dropped the beaver and started to climb the bluff after me, when I gave him another shot which settled him.  He measured nine feet from tip to tip.
     Professor Ward of Chicago came here to get specimens for his museum.  I killed ten buffalo, which he took -only the robes and bones for mounting.  The Indians called him the "bone man."  They thought he had a queer taste to take the bones and leave the meat.


     An English officer came out for the purpose of catching full grown buffalo to put in a large strong corral near Niagara Falls, and had advertised to a wild buffalo hunt.  He offered us seven dollars a day to catch the buffalo, and good pay to go with him to cart the animals to the U.P. railroad.  It had never been known that full-grown buffalo could be roped and tied down, but we thought we would try it.  We made up a party consisting of Andy Barret, the roper, Texas Jack; Deshing Charley; Bloody Dick, a Texas cowboy; Chamberlain and myself.
     We went out on the Beaver before we came to the main herd of buffalo; we then got our lariats in readiness and got as near them as possible, to save our horses, for we knew there was a hard run before us.  The game was in a draw one hundred yards away when they scented us and started on the run at breakneck speed.  We had paired off, Andy and I together.  When the herd reached the divide it was three hundred yards in advance of us.  We urged our horses and gradually gained on them, while the ground almost trembled beneath the pile-driver tramp.  The horns of the bison  rattled together, and all went in one solid black wave that swept on and on across broad divides, through canyons and over hills, stopping for nothing, at a wild and awful rush.
     We at last got a chance and cut out a fine large buffalo to one side.  An instant afterward Andy's lariat went through the air like a serpent and curled itself around its victim's neck; the other end was fastened to the saddle horn.  I made a lucky throw and got my rope on the animal too.  We could not stop suddenly, but had to keep on the run in order to choke him down gradually, our horses holding back all they could.  When we got him stopped, Andy went on one side and I on the other to prevent him from getting at us until help came, as he did not give up his freedom peaceably.  Then a rope was thrown around his feet; he was brought to the ground, then tied down and left until our return after him.
     In this way we caught and tied five, Texas Jack and his party caught three; eight in all.  We decided to load them in the freight wagons and take them to the U.P. railroad; but when we got around to them, they were about all dead, owing to the hot weather and their disposition not to give up their struggle for liberty.  So we succeeded in getting only one alive to Wolf's Rest, and he like his com

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